What's Happening at Eagles Aerie #270



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Pay your dues now!  By paying your dues early avoids the Grand Aerie mailing out renewal notices that our aerie gets billed for.    Your renewal extends your membership from May 31st, giving you the full year!  Dues for the Aerie (Men) remain $42 for the year.  Ladies dues are $25 (or $26 if you are a Benefit Member)  You can pay your dues at the bar, or you can mail them to the club. 

Fond du Lac Eagles Aerie #270                                  Fond du Lac Eagle s Auxiliary

Attn: Aerie Secretary                                                   Attn: Madam Secretary

515 N Park Avenue                                                       515 N Park Avenue

Fond du Lac, WI 54935                                                Fond du Lac, WI 54935